Friday, January 20, 2017

20. My Letter To Donald Trump

*See bottom of letter for disclaimer

Dear: Donald Trump

So as you know, recently you won the presidential election and are destined to become the 45th president of the United States. Needless to say, many of us including myself were pretty disappointed to hear that. I never in a million years would have thought you could actually win, with all the detestable things you have said and promised, but you did. For the record, I'm not into politics nor am I a part of any political party or ideology. I find most modern politics extremely divisive and toxic, also no I'm not some leftist liberal that many would automatically assume and are probably thinking. I'm obviously not a right wing conservative either, I'm simply neither of these titles. I disavow any political parties or groups, I’m not interested in any of them. So I thought I would get that all out of the way.

Anyways as I was saying, against all odds you won. While I and others were confused and angry, It took some time for it to sink in and accept that it was reality. Since then I have also learned a few things, I know now that you are merely the avatar of a far bigger problem in this country. Your disdain for immigrants, muslims, women, the left and other people.. Is also felt by millions of other Americans. You have become their voice, and you took advantage of their anger, fear, and hatred... Like a true business man you sold to them or should I say told them what they wanted to hear, and they all bought it. Now we all are going to have to pay the price.

There's allot more I want to say about you, this past election, and your presidency. I will update this blog periodically, as it comes to me. But believe it or not, I do not want to be right about you, I do not want you to wreck the country like many of us believe you will. I actually want you to succeed, I really truly want for you to be a good effective president. I will give you the chance to prove yourself, despite your actions showing signs you will not be a good president, everybody deserves a chance.. Even you. One person like me cannot speak for everybody, but I personally want to be wrong about you, prove us wrong and show us that you will make the country and world a better place. Though I admit my faith in you is low, I would be the first to admit I wrong, take back what I have said and praise your good work. But you have to earn that, and so far you bragging about your penis size, grabbing women by the pussy, and wanting more nukes, etc.. Is really not making a good case for you. You are going to be the president whether we like it or not, and there's going to be allot of pressure on you now. You claim you want to make America great again, well nows your chance. Its time for you to walk all that talk, and I hope you succeed.

*Disclaimer: For anybody reading this, there are a few points I want to make clear to anybody reading this. This is my own personal beliefs and opinions, nobody else's. I know he will never read this or ever know that I even exist, this is mostly for 'fun' really. I'm not a big official political writer by any means, and basically this is just me sharing my thoughts about Trump, this is not to be taken 100% to heart.