Monday, January 20, 2025

65. My Second Letter To Donald Trump


*See bottom for my disclaimer 

**Check out my first letter I wrote back in 2017! “20. My Letter To Donald Trump”


Dear: Donald Trump

I never thought I would be writing this again.

I can’t believe you won AGAIN. 

Its honestly unbelievable.

It was eight years ago, back in 2017 that I wrote my first letter to you. I was just as much in shock as I am now, déjà vu doesn’t even begin to cover it. I want to reiterate allot of my previous stances that are still valid, I despise politics now. I still reject and disavow any and all political parties, the closest you will get me to sign on with any label is that I’m “Independent”. Other than that, I loathe and want nothing to do with either and all political groups. I’m not a blue liberal democrat, or a red conservative republican.. Again, I’m simply not a part of any of those. I have to specify this In case anyone wants to paint me as biased, because I’m part of a certain political group. I’m as unbiased as it gets honestly. 

Now to my message to you personally, it’s going to sound allot of the same as the first one. Because at the end of the day, thats the only real message I can give as a critic. I hope you are a good competent president, even though I have no faith that you will be. As for your first term.. 

I was not impressed. 

Was it the worst of the worst possible? No it was not. It’s like getting a “D” grade in school, passing technically, with the bare minimum. But you are without a shadow of a doubt, the absolutely most divisive and contentious president we have ever had or probably will ever have.. At least in my life time. I don’t know what your problem is, why you are so full of anger, pettiness, narcissism, and absolute destain for anyone who does not kneel before emperor Trump. 

You are a convicted FELON for God’s sake. 

No president should ever act like you. 

You see.. You truly only care and wish to be president over your own loyal “maga” group, everyone else can go to hell for all you care. Thats true and you know it! The way you handled the COVID-19 pandemic, you know the one that my uncle died in as well as millions of others.. It was ABYSMAL. You spent more time on Twitter than you did actually being the president. Do I even need go bother mention January 6th and that disaster? I don’t think so. I could go on and on.. But this letter will be too long. At the time of this writing, you are not even president yet and you are already talking about tariffs, taking over other countries lands, and many other lovely things. So I can’t say the future is looking too bright and peace filled. 

What do I want you ask? I want peace, I want a stable economy, I want immigrants to stop being demonized and blamed for everything while punishing the ones committing violent crimes, I want the war in Ukraine to end where everyone is happy and they have their country back, whats going on in the middle east to reach a peaceful resolution, and most of all.. I want us to be truly united as Americans and a world together. I want a president to care about ALL of us, not just for his cronies. I want a president I can be proud of, one that I can believe in. 

What do I want? Everything you are just not. BUT I am nothing if not fair, I will still give you your due chance just as I have before. Even if I have no faith that you will succeed in any of these goals, I sincerely hope that you prove me wrong and accomplish them. I want to be wrong so bad, you act like you are God’s gift to humanity.. It’s time to show us if you really are. You already got your support base’s undying support no matter how good or bad you do, it’s everyone else that you need to impress including me. You got your once in a lifetime second chance, now you need to do a hundred times more better then the first time. 

The day this letter is being released is your actual inauguration day, Monday 1/20/25. The day that you will officially become the 47th president. I don’t know what this day will bring about, but I will always be hoping for the best. I know you will probably never see or read this, but If I were you, reading this.. I would be saying: “I’m sorry if I ever disappointed you, but I’m going to prove to you that I will be the best president I can be and show you, that you have nothing to worry about. I will make it my mission to impress the hell out of you and every single American alive! Just give me one more chance to prove it.” That what I would be saying. 

Anyways, in conclusion.. I said what I had to say again about Donald Trump’s second presidency. One last time, I hope you are at least a competent president, God I hope so. Even if I have zero faith you will. But you are more than encouraged to prove me wrong. I will give you your fair chance and see what happens, don’t disappoint me or the rest of the world. 

But at the end of the day, this is just my thoughts and hopes. Whatever is destined to happen is going to happen. Maybe I’m just being dramatic, but ever since COVID happened.. I know the entire world can change at any day or time. Even from a single cough or sneeze. Anything is possible. 

I just pray to God that we are all in one piece at the end of this coming term. 

And if we are not…

I guess I was right and I will able to say.

“Oh well... I knew it.”

Donny boy, let’s see if you can truly make America great again. 


*Disclaimer: For anybody reading this, there are a few points I want to make clear to anybody reading this. This is my own personal beliefs and opinions, nobody else's. I know he will never read this or ever know that I even exist, this is mostly for 'fun' really. I'm not a big official political writer by any means, and basically this is just me sharing my thoughts about Trump, this is not to be taken 100% to heart.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

64. 2024: Year End Review

It’s almost funny.

How much worse can it get?



A small part of me is honestly surprised that I am even able to write this blog. 

It’s because we have been so close to World War 3 and Nuclear War this year, it’s a miracle we are even still around. 

Forget everything about the last few years, except for the height of the pandemic and the deaths from that.. This year has truly reached a new level of horrible the likes of which we haven’t seen in ages, again besides the pandemic and its losses. Its hard to fathom all the negative events that are going on… The war between in Ukraine and Russia is still going on and significantly worse, the middle east is devolving into war, the economy is still in bad shape, several assassination attempts and successful ones, a very VERY divisive election(see my next blog for more on that), and so much more. I wish I really have something more or positive to say, but since 2019 ended… These have not been good times for humanity..

It just seems that from around the time of the pandemic and later.. Humanity has never recovered and we are suffering from the trauma caused by it. I know I’m going to sound like a broken record with allot of information here, but it’s relevant.. We are “shell shocked”, we have PTSD from a world that was devastated and brought to its knees from COVID-19. Like dominos.. Its consequences reverberated through out the years, even long after its most dangerous time has passed. While the disease cannot hurt us directly anymore for the most part, but the damage done to our society and civilization.. We can never comprehend. I remember last year around this time.. On New Years actually, I was infected with COVID-19 for the first time, and it absolutely destroyed me. I was years off from my last vaccination and I was totally caught off guard, long story short I went to the ER and got it resolved thank God.. 

This time I’m ready, I’m fully updated on my vaccinations and I’m going to be allot more careful this time. I wont let this year end as badly as the last one, not this time. I could write so much more about all the horrors of this year, but I think I focus on the negatives a little too much with these reviews… Allow me to talk a little more about the few positives of this year. I have lost some weight(still long ways to go. I will probably elaborate more on that later on) and I recently had surgery on October 2024, it’s a very long story but I think you will find it interesting, it’s almost a decade long saga..

It all started back in 2015.

I used to work this terrible security officer job that I absolutely despised and whole heartedly regretted doing. Skipping allot of unnecessary detail, I had obtained a work related injury on the back of my neck.. A wound that either never healed or didn’t heal right. Regardless, that was the start of a nine year nightmare after that.. 

This was never something I experienced or ever heard about before. But for many years after.. This horrible rash/scar tissue or whatever you call it would on and off again become super inflamed and puffed up. It would become tumorous, then start bleeding and excreting pus. Constantly weeping.. It would be so incredibly painful and uncomfortable, sometimes I woke up to my pillow covered in blood or go about my day and the top back of my shirt would be stained in blood. Then as soon as it appeared, it would deflate and go away for a couple of weeks, just to come back again. It was pure misery. 

I tried every single useless cream, painful steroid injections, medications, painful draining, flesh burning chemical peels, and more. None of it did anything for more than a couple of months. I saw like four doctors over it and they all gave me the same INCORRECT diagnosis, keloids(you’ll see the correct diagnosis later). All they wanted to do was bandage the problem, it was truly hopeless. I scoured online for people with similar problems and they all had the same story as me.. And they all had the same realization. The closest thing to a cure is getting this problem surgically removed, and so I decided man screw it. I went to my doctors and demanded surgery to cut out this damn thing, I was so done with it all. They tried to talk me out of it, that maybe that was too drastic. Uh no, continuing to suffer with this hell would be the dumb drastic option. So they eventually relented and approved my surgery. 

To shorten a super long story to a slightly less long story, I made an appointment and met up with my surgeon. He inspected it, and told me its scar tissue from my old wound that didn’t heal right, it’s called “Hidradenitis Suppurativa” and is much more in line with what my symptoms are. Also that I would need to have the entire thing excised out(aka carved out), to fix it. But he did say there is a small chance it could come back, but thats the best shot we got. I told him let’s do this.. I want this living hell gone by any means necessary. 

Fast forward like two months and I have the surgery scheduled like the next day(10/8/24), I was given the directions to take like three showers with this special anti-septic medicated body wash, take no meds, and wear very loose clothing. We got to bed and get up at 6:30AM, as we were told we had to be there at 9AM. I had to be completely empty of everything(even water) at least six hours prior(I did like 11 hours instead). It was to take place a Providence Little Company Of Mary. My mother and girlfriend accompanied me to the hospital. We made it there after a very rough morning to say the least, and I signed in. It was a very slow delayed process, they told me I was there too early as the surgery wouldn’t start until 1:30PM, it was just diseaster of incompetence that morning that I wont bother getting more into. I finally talked to the surgeon, my doctor I saw earlier for the consultation. He marked out the areas he would cut out with a marker and let me know a few details about it and the after care. Then they would wheel me into the O.R. and  administer some kind of liquid to help me “relax” and by relax I meant pass out a few moments later. I woke up feeling like a train hit me, they said I was all done and gave my mega dehydrated self some juice to drink. I was beyond exhausted, I could barely open my eyes.. But it was finally done. They bandaged me up, gave me a prescription for pain medicine, and sent me on my way. 🤕

We made it home, I felt very lethargic and stiff. They cut out the old wound, sutured the opposite ends, and closed it up. So my neck was very stiff and I couldn’t really move it except for up. For at least a month move my head at all and I could not look down with my chin to my chest, it was absolutely miserable and painful. It was finished. 

And at the time of this writing which is roughly three months later, it’s still gone! 

At long last it was done. Thank God!

You see..

I had my 33rd birthday this year. I even had a small hotel kickback for it, it was very fun and while I hoped it would be bigger.. I definitely enjoyed it for what it was.. 

But as I was saying..

As clichè as it is, something awakened in me..

It was time to jump start the REawakening. While I made that vow to become someone new and better years ago, it had admittedly hit a couple of rough patches.. Though it is a years long process, it was slowed down significantly. It’s been rough for a very long time. But it was on my 33rd birthday that I made the vow to go as hard as I could to super charge my REawakening, to make all the necessary changes and be the best that I can be.. To do all that I can to get what I want, and to bring out my true potential. The surgery being one of them, I had to cut out part of my old diseased self.. To have the wound heal as something new and better. I will say this, I’m pretty pleased with this new way of thinking and the evolution that I have experienced. I have to REawaken, to endure this world and its trials and tribulations. I know I have talked about this probably a hundred times already, but I really want people to know how important this is and what it means to me.. That this is an ascension for me, for me to become the man I was destined to be. To be a LORD among men.

And most of all myself. 

As usual, this previous year was terrible, if not the worst post-pandemic.. And 2025 isn’t looking much better if I’m going to be honest. 

It’s pretty much inevitable.

But you know what doesn’t have to get worse?


Hah.. Its funny when I think about it.

The only thing I can think of that has gotten any better this year…

Is me. 

Because I wanted it enough. 

If I can do it, you can do it.

You just have to want it hard enough too.

For 2025.


Tell me. 

How much do you want it? 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

63. Join Us: RERevelations


(Authors Note: Please make sure to read the first two “Join Us” stories before reading this one.)


We had many names for them throughout history. 

Skin walker.




Baba Yaga.



And so much more. 

But when they started their invasion of the surface world. Billions of monsters, these “Forsaken ones”.. Emerged all at once from underground, from all over the world.. Though it seems it was highly centralized from this specific mountain area, an almost primordial ancient mountain. It was like their headquarters to them, and from there they unleashed hell on Earth. And It was a carnage and devastation on a level never before seen on Earth. Overnight, entire countries were overrun.. untold billions were tore apart, disemboweled, dismembered, eaten, tortured, and converted into the demonic horde.. All the meanwhile, all you can hear is constant screams of agony and this ungodly guttural throat like moaning.. That sound is from them violently cutting out their own vocal cords, they had mutilated their own body. They had also evolved or should I say devolved into the perfect killing machines.. Completely caught off guard, they showed no mercy to the sons of man.. The vast majority of humanity was reduced to chunks of meat and blood running down the gutters or converted into the unholy and soulless horde..

This time… 

They all one had one universal name. 

The End.

Our END.

How do I know all this? 

Because face this hell before and survived. 

You see..

My name is Nathan.

It all started as a fun best friend road trip to the mountains. When we reached our destination, they ambushed us…

They took my three best friends from me.. Kyle, Clark, and Julia. They tore them apart or converted them into monsters. I couldn’t save them…

Then they came for me. 

I put up a valiant last stand against a army of mangled and impure monsters.

They overwhelmed me, but they did not kill and devour me.

Unfortunately I was not that lucky.

Maybe it was a punishment for fighting back so hard… I was destined for a fate worse than death. They dragged me into the bowls of the Earth… they had planned to convert me to into one of them. 

I was nailed to the wall by my hands and feet, crucified. I holwed in absolute anguish and agony, blood gushing out, the pain was Immeasurable. Then they pried my eye lids open.. And forced me to look into their eyes for hours. 

These were black and hollow eyes, soulless, dark, and empty.. An ancient primordial evil beyond anything we could possibly comprehend. 

It felt like two red hot metal stakes were rammed into my eye balls, I was stunned and paralyzed.. I could not move, like I was hypnotized. 

Then I saw it…

I saw thousands of thousands of visions.. Dear God what I saw, so much pain, sadness, hatred.. I could see.. They were so human like in the beginning, for God had made them in his most beloved creations image.. His angel Lucifer. And once he led the Angel rebellion against his creator, God abandoned his grandchildren and forsook them. When these “forsaken ones” had released their God abandoned them and created the new modern human race.. In their jealous insanity driven hatred, they devolved into these demon like creatures and swore revenge on God and his creations.. Their ultimate display of hatred and malice towards God, being that the vast majority of them carved out their own Vocal cords.. So that they may never utter or praise his name again. I saw that they have bided their time through out the eons in hiding, becoming humanity’s shadow, waiting for the perfect time to take the Earth back. What I saw.. No human could survive, not intact. This was the not the beginning, but the end of the beginning. 

They called it…





I could feel my soul dying, my sanity slipping away, I was being turned into one of them... Just like Clark and Julia. All that I was.. Was being ripped away from me. I was being broken down into nothingness. 

This was it.

It’s over..

Don’t be afraid. You can do survive this, you must live to be the harbinger of the RERevelations.

What.... That voice. I heard this calm almost whisper like voice, those horrible visions stopped, and then suddenly everything went white.

I then woke up on the sidewalk walk in the city, the one nearest the mountain where everything happened. I had no idea what happened, but somehow I was saved. I was spared a fate infinitely worse than death. I would immediately try to warn people, try and tell them about what happened on that mountain.. But they all dismissed me as a wack job. Nobody believed me. Until a few days later.. The Forsaken ones would conduct their final phase of the UNGenesis, and invade the entire surface world of Earth. It has been months since that day.. Shortly after I went into hiding, locked away in a commandeered bomb shelter with whatever supplies I can get and tried to weather out this onslaught. What else could I do? I could not believe it.. The world I used to know, was gone.. All of human society, consumed or converted by monsters from the primordial past. This was truly a nightmare I could not wake up from, every-time I closed my eyes.. I could see those visions of their fall from paradise, play over and over in my head.. It never ends. Also that voice.. Whatever that was, It’s like I could still hear it. Always. I wonder what it meant? What was I supposed to be apart of? And why was I saved? I just don’t know.. Maybe… I have to go back. 


We were meant to go there that day, maybe I was destined to go there for a reason. To do something grand, something that would have prevented all this. But something went wrong, and everything fell apart. I was captured and miraculously freed.. Possibly, to have another chance to stop this madness. I have to try! Or everything will be truly lost if I don’t. It’s as if some kind of force or will is urging me to go.. Urging me to stop the UNGenesis and to end Armageddon. It’s time I returned to their “Mountain Of Eden”. I load up my car, its beaten up and barely works, but it should do the job.. I’m a couple hundred miles away from those mountains, but I begin my journey back there. As I drive and avoid all the debris on the road, I witness all the devastation and destruction that has been inflicted on the world. So many mangled decayed bodies and corpses lay around me.. There are massive burning inferno’s all across the land, the smoke and ash has consumed the sky so much so that no sunlight gets through. Most of the buildings are destroyed or burned to the ground.. There is not a shred of life out there, not even insects or other animals.. I doubt even microbial life such as bacteria or fungi are left alive. It’s as if the UNGenesis was a declaration of war on all life itself. The only movement I see is fleeing shadows and in the corner of my eye, movements of God knows what.. But I know what it is… It’s them, watching me. 

They know I’m coming. 

I make it to the base of the mountain, I can see them start to emerge from the dead tree-line and brush. God they never get any easier to look at.. They resemble gross and misshapen human, deformed and elongated forms, jagged claws and teeth, and a gouged out hole where their vocal cords use to be. They shamble, crawl, skuttle, sprint, and slither across the ground.. To imagine they once resembled humans, as they were the pre-cursor to humans, but now they resemble.. Unholy monsters who had long lost their “humanity”. And now they just stared at me as I drove, not moving at all… I could not stand to look at them anymore, it was too horrible. I kept on driving, making my way up the mountain. I could recognize it all.. I remember going up these roads… With my best friends… I miss them… still can’t believe they’re gone, what happened to them.. Will always leave a hole in my heart. I’m so sorry Clark, Julia, and Kyle.. I swear to God I will make this right. I will avenge you all..


I reach the top of the mountain, I get out of the car, and stand out in the open field near the cabin.. This spot looks familiar. It’s so dark, but all I can hear is that God forsaken Guttural moaning by thousands of those damned things. The trees are dead and wilted, but they are alive with movement and glowing black eyes.. But interestingly, they do not attack. They just watch. As I stand out in the open field, its comes to my realization that I don’t know what to do.. I had walked into the Lions Den and now I’m surrounded. My stomach sinks… I may have made a mistake coming here.. Damnit what was I thinking?! I’m probably going to experience the worse death possible, all because of my stupid decision.. And what are the chances that I’ll have a miraculous save this time? This time they will likely finish the job.. No… Damnit…

Do not be afraid my child, you can do this. Bring about the RERevelations.

ITS THAT VOICE AGAIN! I can hear it clear as day! Yes I get it now.. I know what I must do. I feel a force rush over me, all fear and doubt has left my body.. I can feel a power I never thought possible. This was it, this was my time to end this Nightmare. 

Once and for all. 

Just then all of the Forsaken ones start shambling towards me, horrors beyond comprehension etching closer and closer.. And from this horde, emerged a large almost alpha like creature that approaches me.. To say this monster was intimidating would be an understatement. He must have been seven feet tall, hulking muscles, serrated sharpened teeth, scalding dark hollow black eyes, gaping wounds and injuries, and his body was covered in unknown symbols carved into his very flesh.. This being has to be in unfathomable perpetual pain, but it moved like it didn’t feel anything. As it approached me, I stood my ground without fear.. I could not back down nor fight like I did before. This time I would not do fight or flight.. I will try something different this time, what I should have done the first time. I was completely surrounded on all sides, with this apex creature finally reaching to the front of me. We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. I noticed… He has no hole in his throat, his vocal cords were still intact. He could speak. Maybe we can communicate.

Maybe I could do this. 


HE SPOKE! HE’S TALKING TO ME! I better respond!

Please what? What are you trying to say?

“Pleeaaasseee… StOp uSsSsSS…”

“eVeN… aFter.. aLL.. tHe… PaIn… wE.. hAvE… iNfLiCaTed.. oN.. aLL.. oF.. yOu…..”

“OuR PaIn…”

“iS StILL iFiniTeLy gReAtEr tHaN yOuRs.”

“Pleeeeaaassee.. bRiNg hIS lOvE aNd LiGhT bAcK tO Us…”



I must stop them, this hell must end here.. And the only way to do that. 

Is to commence the RERevelations.

Not with fearful running and not with an axe in violence.

But with peace.

I extend my right hand out, and offer him true mercy and forgiveness. 

The creature extends his own misshapen right hand out and embraces mine. 





Come to me my first children. It’s time you came home and JOIN US in eternity.”

“At long last.”






You are still sleep??


HEY wake up! We want to know your answer! 

Nathan: Where…. What happe-

Julia: Nathan are you listening to us!? We asked you what are you most looking forward to when we reach the mountain? I personally want to go on a hike the most! I love the fresh air and sunshine!

Kyle: I cant wait to go fishing! I’m going to catch the biggest fish in the lake! 

Clark: You mean the second biggest fish, I’m catching the biggest one for sure! I’m the better fisherman, we all know this!

Kyle: Yeah right! We will see about that dude! Haha

Julia: Oh brother, you both always challenge each other and neither of you ever end up catching anything! *Rolls eyes*

Nathan: I’m back in the car…? The mountains? We are going to the cabin in the mountains? What the… You guys are alive?!?! Where have I been?!?!

Julia: Uhh yeah, earth to Nathan! You have been sound asleep here in the car for hours! Duh of course we are alive, we are almost at the mountain! We have only been planning this trip out for a year, you must have really knocked out when you fell asleep to be this disoriented! Now that you are awake, care to JOIN US on this best friends trip? We would love to have you onboard! Haha

Nathan: Heh.. Yeah I must have really knocked out, my bad I just had a really REALLY bad nightmare and I was still half asleep… Also to answer your last question, yes I would love to JOIN you guys! 

This time… 

God knows.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.